Whirla Whip® has become an American icon for not only its innovation but its great tasting ice cream. Whirla Whip® has been considered a retro invention and developed a longtime and cult like following across the world.

In the late 90's, most of the Whirla Whip® stores closed due the rise of labor costs unfortunately. We are happy to announce our plans to implement a new roll out of our products beginning the summer of 2016! Our fans in the Northwest, including Washington, California, and Oregon will see the results of the current testing underway as we speak.

Whirla Whip® mail order has just completed testing this month and will begin again on a larger scale in March of 2014.

Until then we welcome you to visit our Facebook page for any changes.

If you are interrested in purchasing a Whirla Whip® or investing, please use our contact form and let us know.

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